by Ethan Waldman | Aug 8, 2013 | General
What is tech-savvyness? Why do some people have it and other don’t? If it’s something that is learned, does this mean that you can teach it? I’ve been thinking about these questions (and more) lately, and there are a number of different answers. Here’s what I’ve come...
by Ethan Waldman | Aug 1, 2013 | Email Marketing, General
I was engaged in a lively discussion with my mastermind group a couple of weeks ago. We were talking about the challenge of taking on a business where your objective was to help people solve a problem that they might not know that they have yet. Tough, right? Because...
by Ethan Waldman | Apr 10, 2013 | General
Here's the scenario: you started a blog about year ago using the free service, blogger. You've posted weekly for a year, gotten great comments from your readers, and are really starting to get the hang of it. The only problem? Everyone's telling you that you need to...
by Ethan Waldman | Apr 1, 2013 | General
Ah, passwords. I've written about you before, but since that time so much has happened. Specifically, big companies like Google, Facebook and now Apple, have started offering 2-step authentication. What is 2-step authentication, anyway? You may hear it referred to as...
by Ethan Waldman | Mar 5, 2013 | General
I visited my grandmother a few weekends ago. While I was in Scottsdale, I helped her with a variety of technology things that needed fixing. Perhaps you are the defacto tech support person for a friend or relative, and can relate. One of the toughest things about...
by Ethan Waldman | Jan 1, 2013 | General
If you're like me, maybe you unboxed a shiny new technology gadget this month that you were just dying to get your hands on. If you're like most people, you probably figured out how to turn it on and press some buttons, but your understanding hasn't progressed very...