Today on Cloud Coach, we’re going to do something different. I’ll be reviewing the book Get Noticed, by Marcus Taylor and Rob Lawrence. Rob is an online acquaintance of mine that I met through Ariel Hyatt’s Music Success in 9 Weeks Challenge- a boot camp on how to market your music online.
Rob is more than just a musician though; he is a talented consultant and coach who helps musicians market themselves and get recognition for what they do.
A Model for Getting Noticed
I’m a huge fan of maps and models, so I really appreciate the simple 3-step process described in Getting Noticed:
1. Align (yourself with your subject’s zone of awareness)
2. Connect (with the people you want to meet)
3. Engage (with them to form a long-term relationship)
If you’re the kind of person who feels like people who get noticed have some kind of special luck or innate talent, I’d encourage you to read this book.
Over the course of 10 chapters, Get Noticed teaches you how to get noticed by anyone anywhere. These skills are increasingly important for you and your small business as you are forced to compete not just locally, but globally with anyone with a website and a twitter account.
The strength of Get Noticed is that it teaches you a new process and helps you build it into a skill, regardless of what industry you work in or what goals you have for yourself or your business. You can think of Get Noticed as a How to Win Friends and Influence People for the digital age.